oil on canvas
48 x 24 inches

Manjushri is the bodhisattva of wisdom, noted for his sweet voice and his ability to confer the art of eloquence on his devotees. He was introduced into Buddhism during the Mahayana period. He is often paired with Maitreya, flanking Gautama, with Manjushri representing wisdom and Maitreya representing compassion.

Manjushri can be recognized by the book placed just above the lotus flowers he holds in his left hand.  The book is in the rectangular format of a Tibetan palm-leaf manuscript, and represents the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the book of transcendent wisdom sacred to Mahayana Buddhism.  His right hand is open in the mudra of giving.  This depiction lacks the flaming sword which he is usually shown holding in his right hand that represents his realization of wisdom which cuts through ignorance and wrong views.     

To call on Manjushri, use his mantras OM WAGI SHORI MUM, Hail to the Lord of Speech, and OM A RA PA TSA NA DHIH. This painting is based on a photograph of a 12th century bronze sculpture.

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